A Love Letter to Louis James...

I must confess…

I’ve had an eleven year love affair with a lovely old lady.

It’s been expensive and the longest committed relationship of my life.

We were together for most of my mid-20s to 30s.
We took care of each other.
We partied with each other.
She taught me about my resilience and power.
She gave me courage to grow up -
She reminded me growing up doesn’t mean being boring.
She gave me a place to make my own…
and a place to invite everyone in.

I met Louis James (“Louie J” / “LJ”) as a fresh, 26-year old, single, lady stumbling into Canterbury Woods during a soul searching “I didn’t see life going this way at 26…” drive around town. I remember falling in love with the safe-tucked-away-but-close-to-everything, vibe. I remember taking Steph, Ali, and, Heather for a loop at the end of a night-out saying: “I’m gonna live here someday” and we oohed and we ahhed.


When I found her she was loved but she needed a modern touch (or three). I had a hard time seeing past the flowered wallpaper and powder pink and blue bathroom borders. It took three visits to convince me her bones were worth this momentous investment.
So I bid….

… and I signed,
and initialed,
and signed,
and initialed,
and initialed.
And then she was mine.

And then, she was ALL of ours… for holidays // Friendsday Wednesdays // super Mario marathons // pregnancy tests // Tetris tournaments // Ireland days // break ups // baby announcements // rock bands // beer Olympic planning // flash mob practice // engagements // tree climbing // PJ mask pretending // strolls to calm down // wedding planning // strolls to enjoy the first day of spring // strolls to enjoy the buds on the trees… strolls to get away from the holidays for a minute.


She was a place so many of us called home at different times, for different reasons, and for different lengths of time. Some for a hang sesh, some for five years or more. Some came to live here fresh from the womb, and some just stayed overnight after an epic “home base happy hour”.

It’s been eleven years of being hugged with love by her walls, sitting in the sunshine that streams through her windows, trusting the safety of her space and, most recently – preparing for her big debut: handling her with care, adding special touches and dressing her in her finest to meet her new family. Scraping off her old layers has been a labor of love and collaboration. I’m so grateful to my hubby, my family, and my framily. Who made that house our home for so long.

Cheers to Louis James – the most beautiful babe on the block!

Happy Listing Day Louie J!